Tuesday 25 November 2014

I have moved!

Thank you for stopping by.

I have moved. You can find me here.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Colours of Autumn

It's been a while... and I come back with the images of a quilt I forgot to photograph before giving it to my sister. This past weekend I went home to see my family and took the opportunity to photograph it then. 
My sister had suggested before that I photographed it there and I'm glad I did. The landscapes are amazing and this quilt blends so well with the colours of autumn. I miss it.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Zigzag baby quilt

This zig zag quilt is a present to a dear friend who has given birth to a beautiful baby girl about 3 weeks ago.

Este quilt ziguezague é um presente para uma amiga querida que deu à luz a uma bebé linda, há cerca de 3 semanas.

When I started putting fabrics together for this quilt I had no idea if it was going to be a boy or a girl, so I thought it'd have to be white... and yellow, and green, and orange, and purple, and blue, and pink...

Quando comecei a juntar tecidos para este quilt não sabia se ia ser menino ou menina, então pensei que teria se ser branco... e amarelo, e verde, e cor de laranja, e roxo, e azul, e cor-de-rosa...

I thought of having this baby quilt ready for when my friend's baby was born, but she came earlier than I was expecting so that didn't happen.

Queria ter este quilt pronto para quando a bebé da minha amiga nascesse, mas chegou mais cedo do que esperava, de modo que isto não aconteceu. 

For the binding I thought of using an orange pin dot, but by the time the quilt was ready to be bound I already knew it was a baby girl, I thought of using pink instead to make it a bit more girly. I love it. :)

Para o debrum, tinha pensado em usar um tecido pin dot cor de laranja, mas quando chegou a altura de debruar o quilt eu já sabia que era uma menina, então decidi antes usar cor-de-rosa para o tornar com mais ar de menina. Adoro :)